Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Facilities Master Planning // Clark County Private School

Services provided to the School Board included review of the existing school campus and identified options for a phased masterplan for future improvements. In addition, over several years, DLC assisted to review various property in the central areas of Clark County that would be suitable for a new High School, and as part of the School Boards due diligence and feasibility review prior to purchasing the properties. Several properties were discussed and evaluated.

DLC prepared an initial High School program/area summary as well as developed conceptual architectural site design drawings used to explore options for locating building(s), parking and driveway area(s), wetland/critical areas, sports fields and other identified site improvements. DLC worked closely with the project Civil Engineer and other consultants and assisted with preparation of preliminary land use documents.
